Happy New Year everyone! It's early dawn of 2014 in the Far East now, blasting of firecrackers are everywhere kinda scary! As the dawn of another year breaks, a new wave of excitement and hope for a better life in the worl…
Read moreThree days after Vatican Palace officials announced the impending resignation of Pope Benedict XVI, possible contenders for the next Vicar of Christ and Successor to the throne of St.Peter were released by leading newspapers in …
Read moreThis Sunday, February 9, 2013, will be the beginning of the Chinese New Year. And for thousands of years, Chinese influence on astrology is considered vital, its impact on the way people perceive destiny is considered intriguing…
Read moreThe legendary Castle of Chillon at the placid Lake Geneva and against the backdrop of the breathtaking Alps. Switzerland is famous not only for chocolates and jewelry, but also for its elegant finishing schools for girls. …
Read moreAccording to World Health Professionals, Osteoporosis is one of the many diseases that can be prevented; it is just a matter of choosing what kind of lifestyle one must follow. But because of the influence of the modern world wh…
Read moreThe recent alarming statistics of climate changes and the issue of global warming urged the public to be aware of the environment and help prevent additional damages to mother Earth. Since global warming is partly a man-made phe…
Read moreGlobal warming can be defined as the increase in the average measured temperature of the Earth’s atmosphere and oceans, the rapid climate change is the result of massive presence of heat-trapping gases in the atmosphere. This en…
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